Manifesting surplus
Have you ever found yourself...
- Just focused on earning enough for this month.
- Just have to survive what I have to do this week.
- Just have to make it through work today.
- Just have to make it until the next meal.
If those are the type of comments you are making, your manifestations are going to be very limited. These intentions — whether you realize them or not — are all focused just on the survival. The sustaining yourself until you hit that marker. You create no extra, no buffer to breathe, no surplus to infuse yourself with energy, wealth, provision, etc.
This can leave you with a lot of stress.
To relieve the stress, expand your goals beyond the basics. Instead of just enough money to pay the bills or just enough time to get the project done, imagine a scenario where you have extra and can come to an endpoint that feels pleasing instead of exhausting (or whatever emotions resonate with you).
Now let’s get real for a moment. Here is a statement I have heard many times by adults and the college students I have taught when I ask people how much they would like to earn.
“I just need to make enough to get pay my bills.”
Or, “I just need enough to be comfortable.”
but when you ask what comfortable means it’s barely an extension beyond basic needs being met.
There seems to be a limitation in how we think about creating income, wealth, and abundance, as only being the bare minimum.
And that transfers over to other areas.
Our expectations in our work, relationships, achievements, etc.
We end up operating with so much limitation in our lives because we create thoughts that focus on survival instead of thriving.
Today's podcast episode explores these ideas and helps you refocus your aim for surplus rather than just getting by.
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