The Expectancy of Your Manifestations

Season #2

What are you expecting will happen? 

Think about the anticipation you feel before a vacation or the excitement of a Friday afternoon. Those positive expectations make those experiences so much better, right? That's exactly the point. We can use this understanding to improve our everyday lives.

On the flip side, we often find ourselves in a negative bind when we let our thoughts spiral into negative expectations. These negative expectations can easily turn into stress, weighing us down and affecting our mood and outlook. It's like carrying around an invisible burden that keeps us from fully enjoying life and achieving our true potential.

That's where the Fix Your Thoughts Challenge comes in. It's designed to help you break free from those negative expectations and establish a positive thought pattern. By taking on this challenge, you'll learn to release the thoughts that are holding you back and embrace a more uplifting and energizing mindset. So, if you're ready to reduce stress and elevate your energy, this episode is for you! Tune in and let's work on transforming those thoughts together.

Check out The Fix Your Thoughts Challenge at



  • Negative expectations can manifest as stress, while positive expectations can elevate energy and change one's attitude and results. 
  • Examining and releasing negative expectations that hinder us from following God's calling is important.
  • Our thoughts create our results, so addressing and modifying our thoughts to manifest better outcomes is crucial.