Stefanie Edwards (00:00)
hello. I keep trying to say hello in different ways and I'm just gonna go with this one because it's 5 p I'm in the middle of making dinner, I've got the kids situated and quiet enough so I can record this and I'm late on my deadline for posting this.
real life y 'all. So anyhow, I am diving in for today's episode of the life changing manifestations podcast. And I just wanted to have a conversation about something I've been going through this week. just four days ago when I met with
somebody who really has a solid and amazing grasp and understanding with energy, the energy dynamics that we each possess and we hold. So first of all, we're all energetic beings. If you have any doubt about that, check out some science and understand how the molecules within your body that make up who you are are all energy. So we are energetic beings. Even when we are sleeping,
and what we consider at rest, our body is still moving and still active and still doing things. But that being said, we also have the energy force of holding energy in relationship to what we more consider emotions and feelings and just the pulse, the radiation that moves through you. And you can easily know
how energy is working in your life when you can step into a space. Let's say you're gonna go work out. You've been sedentary all day. You felt like your energy was pretty like just calm and just basic, neutral, whatever that is. But after you step into the exercise class and you really decide to go all in and your energy shifts, it elevates. Then you're like, no, my energy wasn't neutral. My energy was low.
And I've started to become much more aware of my energy. But now relating this back to the session, I was on this session and she begins with a meditation allowing us just to clear our minds, allowing us to focus, allowing us to tap in.
So we become aware of even what we are feeling. We become aware of if we are struggling to focus our thoughts, to even release and silence them so that we can just listen in to our spirit and our body. And so that's a great place to start. And then as we started to do this, she would call on some people and she called on me, which was amazing. I had an opportunity to work with her for the first time and she found
just by asking because she really can read the energy of people. It's amazing. There is a whole study of how this is done. And then of course, people have natural gifts to it as well. So she's both studied it and is naturally gifted. So that's just like this amazing win -win. But she reads my energy and she's feeling this energy that is, for lack of a better word, like fighting against my goals where I want to go. It's blocking me.
And I found that very interesting. I, what she asked me some specific questions. I'm not going to go into specifics here, but her specific question immediately, I was like, yes. And I agreed with her because she was point on with what it was. And I find that so curious. Like that's, it's amazing to me how this works that somebody can read your energy and find out what's going on. And it's allowing you to almost bypass being
in your thoughts. Like think about this, think about the different ways that therapy and coaching and counseling and all these different things, exists so that we can talk about how we're feeling. But this energy, I don't know what to call it properly. I'm just going to call her like an energy reader, energy worker. She was able to pinpoint directly and just ask me a specific question because the body responds with yes, no answers. And
just allow me to work through this energy. She took me through a simple process to visualize the source and I did. And she asked me another question and immediately radiated something in my chest. I felt it so deep inside of my chest and it was a very unpleasant feeling. And I just, because my body just quickly that quickly responded that it disagreed with what she was saying. And when she asked it in a way to allow me to release it, I was not ready to release it. That's why my body rejected that.
So everybody reacted, you see what I mean? This is so fascinating about energy. And then, so she asked me to visualize again and work on the release process. And when she did it the second time, a few minutes later, my body was able to hold the space of saying, okay, I can release this and I can allow this person to just be without me having to say that they are wrong and that what has happened is wrong. And I'm upset about it. And I'm holding on to this wrongness that is blocking me.
because the person who suffers most is always yourself. It's like when you don't forgive somebody and you're sitting here harboring a bunch of unforgiveness for them, who's suffering the most? It's usually not the person who did whatever you think is wrong. They've moved on, they don't care. But you are the one who's hurting. You are the one who is suffering. I remember years and years ago reading a sign on a church bulletin board, you know, those things they have out front. And this one would always put little quotes and messages on it every week. And the one was like,
If you want that other person to have power of you, just keep allowing them, you know, unforgiveness and just holding on to whatever it is they've done wrong to you. And I was like, what? And I've come to find that more and more. And it comes back to discovering the energetics of what are we holding on to? Because we are trapping their negative energy inside of us.
Today's conversation is really just like, hopefully opening your eyes, causing awareness. if you like the science of it, study kinesiology. You might be able to Google energy work, but it's just finding and understanding these energy dynamics. And the reason I'm sharing this is because I'm a certified life coach. I love life coaching.
I like the positive force of it and how we are future focused and striving towards a goal. We're working on establishing and taking control of our thoughts.
But all that to say, there's things about therapy, there's things about counseling and coaching and all the things that are amazing. And be able to process your thoughts, 100 % of all for it. Aware of your thoughts. Yes, let's understand and take control of our thoughts. Let's know what we're thinking and come to awareness. But there's also a point when I've been in this experience where I get in a reciprocal cycle just over and over and over, just rehashing the same thing. And especially when you are caught in excuse, when you're caught in something's negative, when you're caught in unforgiveness, when you're caught in judgment and shame.
In all these lower level energetics, because energy has its own frequency, and you are radiating at these lower levels, you get trapped and you keep thinking the same thing. And even if you try to swap out a thought, think something different, try to release it mentally, sometimes the process of being in your head and thinking from there is not enough to get to the root.
I'm sharing this because I want to give you positive, amazing tools and what better way than to just listen into our body and see what we have stored in there, what our energetics and it's a wild, it really is just astounding to me how God has made us and how wired us and how much better this flow of energy is.
Like even understanding chiropractic, that's a process of energy exchange. I always thought it was like a medical, know, it's an alternative medical practice, but they feel for, and they find where the energy blocks are. That's your subluxation. That's the block that is not allowing natural blood flow. And that's why you feel this pinch. That's why you feel something not feeling right. You go get adjusted where they fix that. They remove that pressure point. They remove that block and it releases. And there are times when I have gone in and I've
had to wait a moment before I move, you know, sit up, move down, like just change positioning because I feel a flow of blood happening throughout my body. Like I've had these head rushes when they do my neck and all of a sudden I feel this new flow of blood and I'm like, I really had a major block there. This is how I was feeling with this energy session too. It was like, I felt this release. I felt more energized the rest of the day. And I was like, nothing else has changed in my routine. Nothing's changed in my eating habits.
nothing else has changed. Like what is this? This is simply from having released that judgment. Cause it was, it was holding onto a judgment. I could not see around it because I wholeheartedly believed this person was wrong. And I just had to work on that release because that energy was plaguing me. Not them. They don't, you know, not them, me, always me and always you. You got to start the source. You got to tap into yourself.
So let this episode just be a little bit of curiosity. And the reason I bring this up specifically here, besides giving you a tool, is we talked a lot about manifestation. And one of the things she pointed out to me, and I thought was amazing, she says, I see you as a speaker. Do you have a desire to be a speaker? And I said, yes. And that was amazing that she knew that. She doesn't know anything about me, and she says this. And she says, yeah, I see you on a stage.
And I was like, that is my heart's desire. And I've had another opportunity to talk with her at a deeper level and share more about my vision that I have for myself. And she's like, we need to do this work because you are holding on to some things that are blocking you from standing in your power and going and doing the stage experience. Being on the stage is having that voice, they radiate and sharing with the world. And that's what the power of this energetic work could do for you. And I thought.
That is so amazing. So I just had to share, I promise to come back in the future and give you some kind of an update, progress report, so to speak, to let you know what it's doing. Share some more, maybe even some practical tips and some insights of what I'm discovering and learning from her. And at that point, also likely share her source as well, because I think that would be very beneficial for you if you're interested. But just know that sometimes we talked about blocks, but sometimes the blocks are not mental.
the blocks are inside of you. Sometimes the blocks are energetic. Sometimes the blocks are deeply rooted and you got to go down and you got to find that root source.
Declare them away to find the healing, the restoration, and just the flow. So without the block, you're in flow. That's the beautiful thing. And you can flow towards your dreams, your desires, and manifest them in your life when you're not in blocked state. So there you have it. That's my quick conversation with you today. I know it's a little bit different than our normal method, but I really found this extremely interesting, highly beneficial and helpful. And I just wanted to cue you in if you haven't been.
tapping into understanding energy work, what's out there and available for you. I hope you have an amazing day. Thank you for always for letting me share with you. And I promise to be back next week, properly scheduled in on time to bring you a new episode where we are talking about release and what's coming with that. I've already started working on this outline and getting ahead of the schedule so I don't fall behind again. So I'm excited to come and share with you. I will talk to you soon. Bye bye.