Stefanie Edwards (00:00)
Hello friends, Stefanie here and welcome to another episode of the Life Changing Manifestations podcast. you can entirely tune into today's episode, but I do want you to know that we're gonna pick up from what we talked about last week, which was about success. And the point that I want to continue, I'm just gonna go ahead and share with you in case you missed that episode, is how you can be measuring your level of success by just checking in with yourself or making it a playful competition.
and competing with yourself day after day to see if you're making the progress, you're doing the actions, you're holding the belief to continually grow towards what it is that you are manifesting. This simple process that we discussed last week of just checking in with yourself can help you to achieve so much more.
so I'm pick up with that conversation today and talking about that it's not just success that we're looking for as far as the really huge, big, astronomical, wonderful, amazing things, but it's also achieving greatness in our life by living day to day on our daily routines, our daily schedules, all the different things that we choose to do day in and day out.
How we're living that is also a matter of success. And think sometimes we forget that. And we can either A, get caught up so much in our daily life that we don't go hit those big milestones, or we focus so much on the big milestones that we forget what's happening in the day to day that makes that successful as well. So in our journey to manifest the lives that we desire, I just always want to be able to bring this back, keep bringing it back to these grounding principles, to these basic concepts.
And so we have talked about success before. We're going to continue to talk about it because it's about you achieving your, your great life. What that looks like for you is different than what it looks like for me. Like I said, not just going after the big huge things, but day in and day out, what is it that you're doing? How have you honored what you have already acquired? How are you grateful for it? How are you living into the moment of being the best version of yourself? How are you living into your faith as a Christian woman and striving in your day to day life to glorify God?
These success metrics are also extremely important and these all build up into making you who you are. and sometimes the daily successes, the things you do day in and day out, the things that you can almost ignore because it becomes such a habit, a pattern, which is great. We want to build great, healthy routines and great, healthy patterns in our lives. But the progress that you're making incrementally.
is what is gonna make sure that you succeed where someone else would fail, somebody else who's not paying attention to the day in and day out and just wonders why nothing ever happens to them. And I've been there. And so I'm seeking from experience. I'm not speaking from a level of I have it all figured out and I've done it perfectly, but I'm saying I notice when I'm tracking, when I'm checking in with myself, when I'm measuring daily how these factors weigh in.
And as a reminder, nothing can enter into our lives if one, we do not believe it is possible. And two, we do not have the space or the capacity to handle it. So that's the space as far as the availability in your schedule, the room in your life for this, but also the capacity. If you get it, are you going to feel burdened? Is this going to be too much for you? But you're too busy, you're too whatever. Or thirdly,
we don't manifest things when we don't allow them into our lives. So we might say out loud, I wish I had this or do something, but you really are okay with where you're at. You're not ready for it or you're just not allowing it. You don't think you're worthy of it. So going back, just to review, nothing can enter into your life. If one, you don't believe two, you don't allow it and to your life. And three, you don't have the space or capacity for it. So how can you approve each of these areas? How can you start manifesting greater results?
That's the simple system of just checking in with you daily, checking your intention, checking that you're striving for something better, something more than you did yesterday, whatever that looks like. And each day could be totally different. Some days you will improve your experiences and what you're doing and you'll do it a little bit better than you did the day before. And that's progress. Some days the progress will happen because simply you are more intentional and you, you thought about it more. You opened yourself and you allowed yourself to believe it could be possible.
Other days it's because you took actual action steps towards your goal. And in the moment, it may not feel like a big milestone has been achieved. It may not feel like a lot, but it's the progressive realization of a worthy goal. Remember that quote from last week from Earl Nightingale and it's so it's your progressive realization of a worthy goal. That's progressive is day in and day out. That's what keeps you going. And progress is best done with consistency and persistence. You don't want to lose the momentum.
because the momentum builds as you keep going, as you keep doing. Procrastination, on the other hand, is only going to increase if you continually stopping and then restarting, stopping and restarting, because each restart is going to feel daunting, exhausting. You're going to have to change your process, all these different things to keep restarting. Whereas if you can fall into these healthy habits, then the success is going to be there.
And because you know I want to tie this back into scripture, you know I want to give you a reference, it's going to come today out of Galatians chapter six. And these are verses four and five of the NLT version. says, pay careful attention to your own work, for then you will get satisfaction of a job well done and you won't need to compare yourself to anyone else, for we are each responsible for our own conduct. And a little further along in the chapter in verse nine,
It says, so let's not get tired of doing what is good at just the right time, we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don't give up. The reason I'm emphasizing this point is because of the mundane existence that we can fall into. I've been there. So I'm speaking from experience here. I'm not speaking from a high up pedestal that I'm better. No, I'm speaking from what I know as a trap and the life that is here now, the life that we have.
will disappear, not even leave a mark. No one will remember us. We won't have value to have left behind a legacy of accomplishment. We won't have glorified God to the highest. We won't have succeeded in the mission that he has created us for here and now if we fail to succeed. And just to clarify, when I say fail, failure is the opposite of success. So true failure is when you give up, when you're not trying, when you're not even going after it.
Failure is not in the day to day. And if something doesn't go right, but you keep trying. No, that's a lesson learned. And we've got to stop labeling that as failure. Failure is just when you don't do anything because you've trapped yourself into the mundane existence. You're just living ho hum. And you're not living into your greatest potential. And friend, that's where I've gotten to a point where I'm like, okay, that's what changed for me. I felt like in my forties, my twenties, I was kind of like trying to figure things out. My thirties, I became a
And that was a whole nother figuring things out. And then my 40th was like, okay, I've gotten a lot of experience. I've learned a lot of things, but now I'm ready to like do something differently. And these last few years have all been about embracing the next version of me and stepping into that. And I finally feel like I'm getting to this place where I'm like, okay, I can accept who I am. I'm never going to get to total perfection. I'm never going to be to this level of like success where I think I should be. There should always be something else I can progressive.
lean into, but I have enough that I can keep giving, I can keep doing and serving and creating value into the world to make a difference, to live out in my purpose. Because otherwise we become so consumed in the daily grind of just rising for work, expending all our energies on the job or taking care of our families and then wrapping up the day exhausted and too drained to do anything else. That's a trap that so many can get caught into. And it's so many different levels and different degrees to that. And I've been there.
And I can still find myself there if I'm not careful, if I'm not following my path and I'm not staying on it with success. So when I move forward without knowing a clear intention, that's another way I can get trapped.
I've realized for myself is having that clear intention, and this could be true for you if you want to embrace this, is striving to achieve the success that you feel called to, that you're stepping into. And how do you want to adjust your life to accommodate, to work towards, to consistently believe it's going to happen? That's embracing the manifestation process and doing that in alignment with what God has called you to do, what you feel connected with that's in God's will for your life.
That's amazing because now you're topping in to knowing that this is something that he is going to help support you with, guide you with, direct you in, ask wisdom for like all the different things. And friend, this can happen in so many different ways at so many different stages. We're all very different and we're all going through different things in life. And of course, there are some things that are going to make you feel in the moment that things are easier than others. But let's be honest, as women, we know that it doesn't really matter what you're going through because anything
can seem busy consuming too much or too little. If it's all a matter of your perspective, it's all a matter of the way that you're thinking about it. So sometimes one woman will look at another woman if they're getting into comparison, which is why it's a trap and stay out of that. But you can look at somebody's life and go, how do they, how are they so busy? You know, she doesn't even have a job or how she's so busy. She's not doing what I'm doing about this. Or why is she complaining? I have the kids and her kids are in college or
Whatever the situation is, we don't want to do that. We don't want to catch ourselves in comparison. We just want to be in our own lives. But at the same time, we want to be aware of the thoughts that are coming up for us that are trapping us that are thinking we're too overwhelmed. And if you had this conversation, and I can remember having a conversation with somebody one time that I invited them to do something and they said no because they were too busy. And then she proceeded to even give me justification for why she was too busy.
I heard it. I acknowledged where she was and just moved on with things. Now on one hand, I do think she had a very busy, robust schedule. There was that matter of fact element to it. Like if you looked at her schedule book, right. But on the other hand, it was like, why was she allowing that? Why was she creating that life? What was she filling her life with that she felt like she couldn't do these other elements to free up space for more expansion, to free up space for fun, free up space for flow.
all these things that I get delight in. But now that's me. I get delight in having the ability to expand, to grow, to change, to do things differently, to go with the flow on certain days. I like to have nothing on certain days that is planned and regulated because I need the freedom to be able to move. And then sometimes I want more structure and more scheduling. So it's about finding the balance that's going to work for you. And that's why I said it's all specific to you and your own cases.
your own situation, your own circumstance, it's just watching the thoughts that are gonna keep you saying things like, I'm too busy. And that's just your go -to excuse for everything. Notice it is an excuse. How is it an excuse that's keeping you there? What is it guarding you from? What is it keeping you from? And that's why you use that excuse, okay? So it's like a whole side conversation. But I just wanna point that out for you.
Now checking in with where you are right now is important. It's important part of the process. And I've done this for myself and I'm encouraging you to it as well. Because how else can you know if the routine that you have, the habits you've set up, the goals and intentions that you have in place are working for you? So check in with yourself. Right now I am managing multiple things that are really big, including I've started a new remote job. I'm handling a contract project that is quite large.
I am also homeschooling one child, which feels like the biggest project of all. And now I've asked for all of these things. And so they have come into my life because I've allowed and created the space for them. I've believed in their possibility and I've just stepped into them. It's amazing. And I'm excited about all three things. But now each and every one of these could be all that I was doing. And so it does fill up my day and I have to find a lot of control of my mind in my process and my schedule.
to be able to make it through these different elements without losing my mind, without being like, I'm too busy and experiencing just drainage, right? Exhaustion. But there are days when things overlap and I'm having to switch gears so much and that drains me. And yesterday was such a day where I was switching back and forth between managing my child, who's the homeschooler, and managing the new job. And yesterday was day one.
So, you know, there's a little bit of nerves and emotions and going into all that. So it was all of these different things. And so by the end of the day, like it was like four, 30, five o 'clock, I was like, I'm just done. And I didn't accomplish hardly much of anything after that. I was just easing into like trying to be a decent hour before I lay down and went to bed and remember him saying, like, why are you so tired? Because he doesn't feel the same way. He's a kid and he's doing his own thing and he's not feeling the same feelings I've gone through.
So don't let that be a judgment of who I am. And I went to bed and I was in bed by eight o 'clock and I got the rest that I needed. And this morning I was ready to go. I woke up refreshed, naturally on my own. I was up by four and I was writing. I poured out a complete blog this morning before I got out of bed. It was a great way for me to start my day. And so I find the rhythm that works for me and I'm encouraging you to find the rhythm that works for you.
and just to keep putting one foot in front of the other, making the progress to becoming successful in your own manifestations, honoring God in your life with your accomplishments that you're achieving because you're remaining consistent. You have the clear intention, you're gonna keep going towards it. You are finding ways to continually improve, grow, and progress and achieve the success because you've made it a part of your daily routine. That, my friend, is a great way to succeed.
If you need any other support and resources, reach out to me over at LifeChangingManifestations .com. I'd love to be of support to you. Thank you so much for joining me today on the podcast and have yourself an amazing day.