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Lets talk about how self-discipline is impacting your results. You have to discipline yourself to honor your plan for how you want to run your day, do your work, and achieve your desired results. Without...
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Allowing yourself to rest and reset
I'm recording this episode in the moment of being plagued with a virus and dealing with an ice storm. Why does that matter to you? Because in allowing myself to heal I've been reminded of an important lesson on rest...
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What do you want the money for?
If you want to manifest (create) more money, you have to know what you want it for. Because money is just a tool. So you don't get excited about the tool, you are excited and driven by what the tool provides. Today's...
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The Legacy You're Creating
Is creating a legacy a driving force for you? The idea of leaving a legacy for future generations is a powerful driver for me. Today we dive into the legacy you have to work with from those who have come before you...
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It's so awesome that you're the business
You don't need anything else, outside of yourself, to be in business. That's amazing. You take your thougths and they become something that people see value in and willing to exchange their money for. That's powerful!...
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Why you don't need to manifest more money
Today we explore the importance of letting money be a resource, a tool to help you have what you want, rather than the power keeping you from having what you desire. When you focus on manifesting more money you lose...
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Building a Connection
How are you building a connection with your current and prospective clients? Let's talk about where that connection begins and how you can keep it going. Want to engage further? Join my private FB group at...
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You can buy yourself flowers (and so much more)
Are you loving yourself enough? Are you giving yourself permission? Are you supporting your dreams? These are just some of the lessons we can glean as we sing along to the popular hit "Flowers" by Miley Cyrus. Join me...
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Creating Results With a Whole Body Yes
Do you have a Whole Body Yes? Your whole being: mind, body, spirit lit up and in alignment towards what you want. Imagine it for yourself. The passion, the drive, the results!
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Is it time to expand your self-image?
Has your self-image expanded to match the growth you want for your coaching business? You can never outperform your self-image - that's why we're spending our time together today exploring how you think about...
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More than mindset, it's about whole body integration
Stop relying on your brain to figure things out. Your brain's job is the take in and sort the information. Your body's intuition is there to guide you and help provide clarity. Are you tapped in to your whole body so...
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How you keep creating more problems
When you focus on the problem, you don't resolve it, you create more of it. Your brain will keep giving you evidence of the problem and proving why it is an issue. Today's episode gives you another way to approach a...
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