When your brain hurts from making decisions

Jun 22, 2024

Do you ever have those days when your brain literally hurts and feels exhausted from having to make decisions?

There are so many decisions to be made, not only for yourself but for those who rely on you. And sometimes you can feel totally overwhelmed with having to decide. 

I get it — the challenge can be exhausting if you are approaching decisions in one of these three problem ways:

  1. making all of the decisions from the brain 
  2. turning to others to help make decisions
  3. stalling on making decisions and getting stuck in indecision 

Your brain is an amazing supercomputer. I love my brain and its capacity to take in new information, process it, store it, and offer ideas. 

But did you know the brain is the not your best tool for making decisions? 

Nope. Your body is the best source for decision-making because your body holds your intuition and guiding energy. When you tap into your mind-body-spirit connection you enable a more powerful, efficient, and reliable stream of decision-making. 

There is so much more we could discuss about your body and spirit intelligence but for right now write out any area where you are stressed over a decision that needs to be made.

What if that answer could be made right now by following your inner wisdom? (Hint, it can) 

Download a free chapter of the workbook, "Seeking More" and beginĀ exploring what you want and connecting to your desires.

Download Chapter 1