Do you find yourself making excuses?

Aug 17, 2023
women making excuses

Do you find yourself justifying negative feelings and poor outcomes with excuses like "It's because of the kids" or "I didn't sleep well last night"?


When you make these excuses, you trap yourself into "a box" that reinforces negativity.


Allowing excuses can become a pattern that will keep you stuck in emotions like overwhelm, frustration, and insignificance. Not to mention attracting poor results like chaos at home, challenges at work, and strained relationships.


But you don't have to keep inviting in these energies or getting these outcomes.


You have the power to feel good and manifest differently by reshaping your identity.


I can help you:

  • Become aware of the excuses you subconsciously make

  • Release the grip of these trapped, limiting identities

  • Rewrite your narrative to consciously design your identity

  • Allow yourself to experience positive emotions

  • Attract the rewarding results you desire


When you stop making excuses that reinforce stuckness, you open up infinite possibilities for growth and joy. You get to decide what you permit in your life by taking charge of your identity.


Join me in releasing your excuse identities now so you can finally create the emotions and outcomes you truly deserve. Here's the link to take the training:

Download a free chapter of the workbook, "Seeking More" and beginĀ exploring what you want and connecting to your desires.

Download Chapter 1