Your present circumstances

Jul 27, 2023

The Circumstances of Your Life Reflect Your Inner Thoughts

Your present life circumstances directly reflect what's going on inside you.

This applies whether you feel aligned with your current situation or frustrated by it. It's true for those satisfied and dissatisfied.


Because your outer world mirrors your inner world. You attract circumstances that align with your state of mind.

For example, the dynamic of your relationships stems from your mental approach to them. The terms of your work situation flow from your perspectives about it. The results you create connect to the way you think about achieving them.

Your life reflects you.

Imagine you plant a garden but then neglect it. Weeds and pests take over. Random sprouts pop up. You get unfruitful results because you didn't tend the garden.

Now imagine you plant with care but then don't maintain the garden. Despite good seeds, weeds overwhelm it. Critters destroy crops. Your lack of follow through prevents a bountiful harvest.

Your life is like that garden.

You must sow thoughts and then cultivate them to manifest your desired outcomes. One-off positive thinking is not enough. Ongoing effort is required.

For example, dreaming of a wonderful family life requires consistently nurturing positive mental seeds about your relationships. It means pruning negative thoughts and focusing on the good.

You reap what you sow — meaning the thoughts you have and continue to think about are the seeds you are planting and the results you are reaping.

In summary, your outer world directly reflects your inner mental state. By consciously choosing and caring for your thoughts, you can intentionally create the circumstances of your life.

Coming up in the next blog, I’m going to respond to a possible objection you may have with today’s post — especially if you feel you are giving and investing so much into your circumstances (aka: taking care of the garden) but things are still not turning out the way you want. Because believe me, I have asked that same question before and ran into this conundrum multiple times. 

Download a free chapter of the workbook, "Seeking More" and beginĀ exploring what you want and connecting to your desires.

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