The Success You Experience

Jul 20, 2023

Many seek success as a goal to attain rather than an identity to embrace. Striving for success puts it always out of your reach. 

True success springs forth when you shift your identity and mindset.

Success is not a destination but an inner experience. It is not defined by tangible markers and milestones but by how you think, feel, and act.

When you adopt a successful mindset, you believe in your vision and trust in your ability to achieve it. You know you are worthy of realizing your dreams. This unlocks the potential for results.

But chasing arbitrary notions of success often has the opposite effect - breeding doubt, insecurity, and unfulfillment.

Instead of fixating on what you lack, embrace who you are. Define success on your own terms using self-knowledge as your compass.

Anchor in your core values. Allow your unique gifts and talents to guide you. Appreciate all you have accomplished, while maintaining ambition.

Fulfillment arises when you feel successful now. Make peace with where you are on your journey. Breathe in this moment of possibility.

Then take purposeful action from a place of inner security. Consistent steps forward reinforce your desired identity.

It all comes from shifting into success mode vs. striving for success. It is always about who you are being. And your personal success factors? It will come when you embrace the success identity of the role and commitments you choose to fulfill.

Download a free chapter of the workbook, "Seeking More" and beginĀ exploring what you want and connecting to your desires.

Download Chapter 1