Attaching to your WHY will help you achieve more

Aug 08, 2021
Why do you want to succeed?

You’ve probably heard people talk about attaching to your WHY — the purpose behind your business, the reason you are in business. But have you taken that step? 


For years I worked without knowing my why. It didn’t seem to matter to me because I, after all, I was a successful employee working for years without a why. 


I actually questioned, "why did I need a why to be successful?" That’s how my brain works — always wanting to challenge things. 


But in the end, I realized that as a business owner, my why was much bigger than me. It was about the impact I wanted to achieve. Sure I was excited to earn more money working on my own than working for someone else, but it was much bigger and better than that when I attached to my WHY. 


So answer for yourself, why do you want to grow your business and make more money? 


What will it mean when you have that growth and income? 


What impact do you hope to achieve? 


What evidence would you desire to witness as the result of your efforts? 


This is your legacy impact. Lean into that. 

Own it for yourself and don’t apologize for your desire to grow your business. 


My mastermind coach Chris Harder always says, “When good people make great money, they do great things.” And I agree! 


I love thinking about my business as a cycle. 

I get the benefit of working for myself and doing things my way, as a benefit of that I get to help more people through my coaching, as a benefit of that I earn more money, as a benefit of that I get to give and create good in the world that I couldn’t before that income boost. And the benefit of that is I get to serve and create a powerful impact for God’s kingdom. 


It is a beautiful cycle! 


Once you determine your WHY attach it to your business vision and get clear about how you make it happen. A simple outline at first can suffice. It helps to give you clarity on what you are doing and when to hit your goal markers. This outline will also serve as your money map. Money needs to know how to find you — give it a map! 


When you have this in place — solidly for your business — you will find you can move forward with greater purpose. Here’s to your success! 

Download a free chapter of the workbook, "Seeking More" and beginĀ exploring what you want and connecting to your desires.

Download Chapter 1